Brighton in Winter
Although a little scruffy, Brighton has an English seaside charm. For a time, I tried to make an annual pilgrimage to the town during the winter holiday period; to run bv the coastline and take some photographs. Recent events have prevented me from visiting during the last couple of winters, so I decided to gather a few of my favourite photographs from recent years into a small retrospective. Photographs were taken using a Sony mobile phone and a FujiFilm X-T10.Washington Photographs
Photographs from around Washington State, USA.Budapest Photographs
Budapest is great for a short visit. Grand architecture and a serene location on the Danube. On this trip I took only my Fujifilm X-T10 and the Fujinon 27mm f2.8 pancake lens – perfect for carrying around all day without a struggle.Old Photographs
Since migrating to my new homepage there has been the unenviable task of handling all of my old photographs. I decided: I’m just going to leave them where they are! For now, anyway. You can find the old gallery, in all of its glory, here. It covers photographs taken mostly between 2006 and 2016.